Friday, May 18, 2012

Karger for President

I’m not well-versed in politics, but I never thought I would be so fond of a Republican - everyone I know is pro-Democrat. But this campaign year, Fred Karger has caught my attention. Maybe it’s because he is the first openly gay presidential candidate. The gay debate has taken over the country, and as a bisexual, I’m extremely supportive of Karger’s plan to end discrimination against not only LGBT people, but people of all races, religions, gender, and other factors that really should affect a person’s rights in this country.

I find Karger easy to agree with. For example, while I am not directly affected by his pro-choice stance, I can fully support his opinion in wanting to let woman decide for themselves and reduce the amount of government influence when dealing with personal matters that affect a person’s ideal family.

Karger just seems to take logical stances on our nation’s issues. He wants to clear us out of the Middle East and focus on national progress. He wants to assist immigrants in becoming full citizens when they have already been in this country. My own Jamaican friend has been here for eight years now and still cannot take advantage of financial aid or getting a job when applying for colleges because she has no green card and no birth certificate here. She’s in the same poor financial situation as me, so why can’t she get the same help as me when she’s been going to the same school as me, is going to a state university, and the only real difference between us is her accent?

I’ve been told that Republicans are just for blue collar citizens and don’t care about the less privileged people, but as my first time really researching one, Karger just comes off as positive. He has the same desire as me for our nation - focus all our time, energy, and resources on strengthening our nation. We do need to work on our economy and the care of our own citizens, and we should want to reach out to the younger generation and the less privileged citizens to work on setting a foundation for the next generation.
Blogging Scholarship

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