Friday, June 24, 2011

I can't breathe

I wish you would understand that I need a break from you all. Even spending half of the day away from you all is not enough. You all are so suffocating and every minute I spend dealing with you is another minute I wish I was unconscious.

I love every single one of you. Really, I do.

But you all are way too much to handle at once.

If I can deal with this for the rest of my senior year, then I will look forward to going to college. I can deal with more school work and long distance, as long as my brain is free from at least some stress.


  1. I hope you realize you are brilliant... especially fore being able to express yourself so well! Please take care of you though... can you please do that for me and well, you!

  2. I was pretty much gonna say the same as JoLynn's sexy a$$ was gonna sya *growllllll babay*
    remember u can always count on ur friends in the end tho
    when ur alone time is through
    just come to any of us and we'll leave a spot for our super 70s orgyfest
    *This is filtered btw*
