Wednesday, August 10, 2011


Despite this being the most social summer I've ever had, it's also the most lonely summer. How many couples exist downtown anyway?! They like, come downtown in all their sexiness just to hold hands with each other and make you emo. This is why people like me like to stay home all summer and make love to our computers.
 I never liked public displays of affection (P.D.A.) because I think it's gross and makes people sad. Sure, if it's like a photo that ends on the internet or something, then that's okay because then you have a choice of whether you want to see it or not. If it's a marriage proposal, well I honestly can't get upset about that - it's too adorable. But when you are kissing or holding hands all the time, it makes people sad. P.D.A. should only be acceptable in designated areas. When I am president, I will make sure of this.

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