Sunday, October 2, 2011

A (Really) Good Cry

Even though I've been trying MAJORLY hard to get past my issues, there is one person in my life who can always smack me right back down.

My mother.

You know how there are those people in your life that you just can't ignore, no matter what you do? That's her. Even though I know she's not always right, she just finds a way to always make me feel wrong. I just can't be what she wants me to be. And I stopped trying to be what she wanted a long time ago - I just wanted to be myself, but I feel like I can't even do that right.

I almost gave up on life last Thursday night.

The stress of being me has been really weighing down on me, and my mom is not helping at all. She says I never talk to her, but that's because there is no talking to her: logic is no match for my mom. You will never be right, you will never be listened to. While I'm struggling to pass my three AP classes plus my other classes, my afterschool activities, my job, my self-esteem, my friends, my family, college applications, college scholarships, and the things that make me happy so I can keep the strength to handle all of this, she can just tear me down and make me feel worthless. I tried to explain to her that my grades weren't A's and B's right now because that's not how the grades work at the beginning of the year - if you miss one assignment or score low on a test/quiz at the beginning of the year, it really takes a toll on your grade because you don't have a lot of other assignments to balance out your grade, and I told her that's how it's always been with my grades every year and my friends agree. But that doesn't matter to her

"You can't get into U of I with grades like this, you can't get into Northwestern or even Chicago State or even community college with those grades!"

But mom...

I just...

And then she doesn't believe me when I say I'm stressed.

"What do you have to be stressed about?!"

EVERYTHING. I've been struggling since 6th grade with the problems in my life, and it's never "How can I help?" or "what's wrong?", it's always "you need to fix this". She doesn't tell me how, or what should change, she just looks at what I've done and tells me I'm wrong. Always wrong.

After my fight with her, I ran to my room and cried in the dark. She didn't even check on me, just went to cook food as if nothing happened. I called my friend Brandon and he got so worried about how I was speaking to him and how suicidal I sounded that I had him crying. But he really really helped me. I talked to him for a long time about everything that was bothering me, and he kept trying to make me happy. What resonated with me most was "You are good, you are really good." He just kept reminding me that I am strong and that I've gotten this far, and even though my mom is making things so much harder, I really only have to wait four months until I can move out and then I just have to wait until college.

That day, I realized how much my friends really cared about me. Sheridane gave me a shoulder to cry on when I had a panic attack during school, Rowan was forcing me into the counselor's office to talk and relax when school was almost over, and Brandon was there to talk me off the ledge when I just couldn't stand being at home. And of course I can't forget people like JoLynn who keep reminding me that the more I speak, the more help I will get.

In the end, after all the talking I did, after I listed every problem I had, got rid of the extra things that added to my stress like the school newspaper, and finally broke down to my raw emotions, the thing that I was most relieved about...

was that I was finally able to cry.

I have been searching for an outlet strong enough to handle my pain. Writing and talking help but it's not enough, I can't do self-harm, and I can't even get myself to cry more than like twice a year. But on Thursday, I got to cry three times that day. And it was the happiest experience of my life. Everything just felt so much better after that last cry.

I know I still have to deal with some stress. I still want my job because I have no reason to quit it, I need my friends to get me through it, I do need to open up to more people like the counselor, and college isn't as scary as some other things in my life. But if I keep pushing myself to the limit without tagging out every once in a while, I'm not going anywhere. I don't want to make anymore rash decisions like cutting off half my hair or considering going through with suicide, a thought I haven't had since 7th and 8th grade. I just want to let the worries roll off my back and keep trying because as far as I can tell, I haven't failed yet.


  1. You have not failed and you are nowhere even near a failure in anything you've done with your life!! I like that you get the whole "tagging out" idea... we all need tag out times... OR just go and play tag with your friends... LITERALLY! Dear one, you've gotta allow yourself to be a child or even act childish every now and again... I'm OLD and I do that every now and again, just play AND with little kids - at church I get them all running after me as we play freeze tag - it's ridiculous, but I have many a day where I just need that release of hilarity! I know some of your friends and I KNOW they can have fun and you are a fun person so "tag"(tap) back into that!! YOU CAN DO IT! I'm sooooo proud of you and all you're doing. Your mother is too even if it doesn't sound like that... perhaps she birthed into you ALL of HER ability to express herself since you are so good at it - I'm not saying that to make you feel bad about your AMAZING ability to be so flippin' expressive in such a thoughtful, mature, insightful way... I'm just trying to offer you a different perspective on the mom thing... it's a thankless job on top of the job she is doing to earn money to afford all the expenses life and raising a family require.

    You will be on your own soon enough. Do NOT rush your childhood... you'll want it back when it's too late...

    Keep sparkling like when I got to see you last week. NO PRESSURE THOUGH!! You were sparkling because you seemed genuinely happy!

    Sending cyber hugs,
    P.S. Don't forget to breathe. We often hold our breaths. Seriously, take a breath IN through your nose and then exhale through your mouth. Do it about 3 or 4 times. It's refreshing!

  2. Oh and CRYING is fabulous!! It's soul cleansing! You made a rainbow with your tears and probably missed it because you were enjoying the shower you created with your tears.
