Thursday, September 15, 2011

Quoting the Awesome People

"'No prophet is accepted in his hometown.'... this, to me, means that NO ONE can expect the people closest to them to get them or believe in their vision, goals, or dreams. Shoot, regardless of what you believe, if folks didn't think Jesus could do something and He was Jesus, then of course, regular awesome folks like us are going to be doubted too - it's a phenomenon as old as time."

Ms. Cunningham, you really got me with this one. It did in fact, blow my mind like you said it would. I never thought I was unaccepted in my hometown, but I don't feel accepted in my home, and my hometown doesn't know much about my real self, and I certainly never thought of myself as a prophet. The closest people to me seem to just nod and humor me when I say something random or crazy that I want to do, like swim with dolphins even though I refuse to try learning to swim, and wanting to become a wedding planner someday. I don't expect people to fully support me or tear me down. Ms. C, you have a very valid point, and I only hope that whatever message I have to put out there gets out there to the people without anyone getting hurt for it. Thanks for your insightful words. <3

1 comment:

  1. You CAN do anything you attempt. Even if it doesn't turn out exactly as you imagined, the attempt is part of the beauty of, well, attempting!! Oh, and those words are not mine - I could never come up with something that profound - but I can say I have learned a great deal from reading the "Good Book." That is just one of the many nuggets I have gathered and benefited from... and now you have! YES!

    Cheerios and hugs,
    Ms. C. (JoLynn)
    P.S. You know you can call me by my first name UNLESS I come sub for you again!
