Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Talking Bout My Generation

Facebook and other social networking sites are our generation's equivalent of climbing out the window in rebellious clothing, shimmying down the drainpipe, and meeting up with our beaus who our parents would hate.

Think about it. Teachers tell parents to monitor their kids online activity. Most kids are on social networking sites like Facebook, Twitter, etc. And what teens say online is more than likely something they would NEVER IN A MILLION YEARS say or do in front of their parents. We escape to cyber space when our parents "just don't understand". We meet up with our friends and put up images to represent ourselves that may or may not show the real them. We say inappropriate things, joke about stuff our parents wouldn't get, invite others to parties and events, meet up with new people, flirt with our beaus, and make ourselves seem so much cooler than we are in real life. Face it, if most of us didn't have social networking sites, we wouldn't be as cool and confident and social as we are now.

And adults today don't seem to approve. But this way is actually better than sneaking out past curfew and meeting up with hoodlums and dressing like punks and hanging out in shady areas just because it's the cool new hangout spot. Online, it's easier to see what our peers really act like and we can background check people and places and the peer pressure seems a lot lower and we can check out lots of different events and new friends and well, there's a plethora of things that are more beneficial than acting like past angsty generations.

If you think about, this generation is a lot more behaved than the ones we see in movies.

1 comment:

  1. LOL! This generation is not more behaved; it's more binary! :)
